Working inside and outside of private property, producing wall murals can be a very personal commission.
Star Lab Industries understands how to talk directly with house/flat/villa owners and create concepts mirroring their exact specifications.
Remaining private and professional throughout the whole process, from concept to completion. Star Lab Industries is always clean and tidy and respect the property both inside and out. Working to the clients’ brief both in terms of time-scale and specifications, Star Lab Industries proven track record makes them the ideal choice in creating a reality from imagination.
Working internationally, Star Lab Industries have produced wall murals in private residencies across Europe and Asia and have grown their business through client recommendations.
Star Lab Industries have a huge portfolio of wall murals – many examples can be seen on the portfolio page. For more examples or to discuss your own ideas, get in touch!
Private Property Wall Murals
Star Lab Industries have regular private property mural projects on the go. Visit our online blog to keep up to date with the Star Lab.